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Members of IPEM investors' community

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Your benefits

Our monthly
LP-only meetups

Exclusive invitations
to IPEM events (in person!)

Curated services
throughout the year
Upcoming in person events
IPEM 2022, Back in Cannes !
Palais des Festivals de Cannes
IPEMxVivaTech: “The attractivity of the European Tech scene”
Sponsored by: Pitchbook
June 16th, 2021
LP-only Meetup: “Investing in first time fund – due diligence considerations, risks and rewards”
Guest speaker: Rémi Berteloot, European Investment Fund
May 31th, 2021
LP-only Meetup: “Engaging fund managers in diversity”
Guest speaker: Abigail Archibald, The Andrey W. Mellon Foundation
April 28th, 2021
LP-only Meetup: “Agile allocation in Private Markets”
Guest speaker: Stanislas Subra, MACSF
March 31st, 2021
LP-only Meetup: “Capturing growth in private markets”
Guest speaker: David Mullock, BP Investment Management
February 26th, 2021
LP-only Meetup: “How ESG and other non-financial considerations are shaping the future of private markets”
Guest speaker: Massimo Dit Tria, Cattolica Assicurazionl
January 22nd, 2021
USxEurope’20 Meetup: “The impact of the US elections on the mid-market”
USA GPs & European LPs – USA LPs & European GPs
November 19th, 2020 – January 13th, 2021
“IPEM Summer’20 Digital Meetups”
Themes: Impact, Allocators (LP only), IR, VC/Growth, Infrastructure, Private Credit, Healthcare investors, Consumer investors
Sponsored by: BNP Paribas, CONQUEST et REACH CAPITAL
From July 21st to July 24th, 2021
Your dedicated contacts:
For more information, questions
or suggestions send an email to

Morgane Seradieu,
Investor Relation Manager at IPEM or call +33 (0)

Marialena Tsoli,
Investor Relations Associate at IPEM or call +33 (0)1 49 52 14 21