Networking is the heart and soul of IPEM
Participants can enjoy cocktails & social events in addition to traditional IPEM setup: booths, summits, multiple conference tracks, & lounge areas.
🟠 Can’t miss Grand Opening Party – Hotel Barrière Le Majestic Cannes (see map), open to all (passes & wristbands mandatory)
🟠 Two IPEM Wealth Awards Celebrations:
🔸Part 1 on Wednesday, January 29th – Annex Beach Cannes (see map), open bar, and open to all (limited capacity)
🔸Part 2 on Thursday, January 30th – Annex Beach Cannes (see map), open bar, and open to all (limited capacity)
🟠 Outdoor activities such as a a Morning Run
🟠 Each day coffee breaks & networking lunch break
🟠 An improved digital networking platform in the IPEM Account
🟠 9 different lounges to meet participants for a coffee – around 2,000 square meters of discussion areas!
🟠 4 summits & multiple breakouts specially dedicated to networking: debate and round table format.

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