Dedicated to a partnership between different actors such as GP x Distributor x Service Provider (IT, legal, structuring, asset services…).
This category should be entered by a GP or distributor on behalf of at least two and a maximum of three entities having achieved a significant project / result together.
This award is dedicated to an outstanding 2024 partnership that made possible the promotion and distribution of private market funds to a large base of wealth investors. Evaluation criteria will include the assessment the partnership achievements (availability of products, funds raised, investors reached,…), as well as each partner’s skills and contribution to the success of the venture.
The successful partnership should be composed of one GP or distributor promoting funds and up to two additional partners who can be a GP, a distributor, a service provider or an advisor.
This category is open to all private market product providers, including general partners (GPs) and distributors, who have a regulatory authorization to commercialize financial products or services within the EU or the EEA, and who compete for the award on behalf of themselves and up to two partners.