Reality Check?

IPEM Cannes 2023 Program

Social Events
11:15 AM / 05:15 PM - Paris | Gare de Lyon
05:30 PM / 07:00 PM - Outside the venue
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The LPAC Meeting is IPEM’s exclusive gathering of senior-level-only investors. This closed-door event facilitates peer-learning and experience sharing among some of the largest and most sophisticated LPs.
5:30 PM | Welcome Coffee
5:45 PM | LPAC Meeting Introduction led by Tom Masthay, deputy CIO at Texas Municipal Retirement System (TMRS)
“Reality Checking, Risk & Uncertainty”
6:10 PM | Roundtable Discussions: “What Reality Check?” led by Marie-Victoire Rozé, Senior Managing Director at Ardian
- Understanding current macro trends, uncertainty, and volatility.
- Assessing risk and stress-testing portfolios at an LP level.
- Updating GP selection in new times.
- Where is the LP/GP relationship heading in 2023?
6:40 PM | Restitution
6:55 PM | Closing Remarks
7 PM | End of Meeting
07:00 PM / 09:00 PM - Hôtel Le Majestic
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IPEM Cannes 2023 welcomes its participants to another exciting edition with an opening cocktail! A good way to start a new year in the world of Private Markets.


11:00 AM / 01:30 PM - Summit Room | Level -1 (Croisette)
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11 AM | Keynote Introduction
11:20 AM | Women in PE, the Ambition in 2023
Compared to its European neighbors, France has an above-average representation of female employees in investment teams. This panel considers what is going right and where to go next:
- How is the French industry faring?
- What local cultural and social issues can promote diversity?
- Best practices in retention and promotion.
11:55 AM | International Perspectives
This panel gathers a range of international viewpoints to share their learnings and experiences from the diversity journey:
- Where does diversity sit on the LP due diligence agenda?
- How to foster a diverse next generation of leaders?
- Experiences that embed diversity in succession practices.
12:30 PM | Lunch
1:30 PM | Summit Ends
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Speaker(s): |
- Kelly CARTER - Head of Multi-Asset & Limited Partners Sales - Sofware Solutions, EMEA | S&P GLOBAL MARKET INTELLIGENCE |
- Cynthia DELAUME - Investor Relations | INFRAVIA CAPITAL PARTNERS |
- Eva HOËL - Managing Director - Mid Cap | LBO FRANCE |
- Genta HYSI - Head of M&A and Transaction Solutions, Southern Europe | AON M&A AND TRANSACTION SOLUTIONS |
- Anne-Sophie MOINADE - Investment Director | BRIDGEPOINT |
- Elisabeth MORENO - CEO & Former Minister Delegate for Gender Equality, Diversity and Equal Opportunities | ELISABETH MORENO CONSULTING |
- Monika NACHYLA - Partner, Head of IR | ABRIS CAPITAL PARTNERS |
- Sophie NORDMANN - Partner | SIPAREX |
Moderator(s): |
- Emily PENNEC - Partner | MAYER BROWN |
- Laura WEST - Head of Membership | BVCA |
02:00 PM / 04:00 PM - Summit Room | Level -1 (Croisette)
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2 PM | 2022 in Perspective
2:10 PM | Outlook on Infrastructure
- Why this crisis isn’t like the last
- Fundraising expectations
- Outlook on how assets will perform
2:50 PM | Is the Time Right for Private Capital to Look Again at Nuclear?
- Drivers of nuclear investment – why now?
- Role of private capital in developing the sector
- Investment strategies to access opportunities
3:30 PM | Networking Coffee
4 PM | Summit Ends
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Speaker(s): |
- Christophe BORDES - Transaction Managing Director | INFRACAPITAL |
- Nicolò CASTAGNA - Head of Infrastructure M&A - Southern Europe | AON M&A AND TRANSACTION SOLUTIONS |
- Benoit DESFORGES - Partner & Director, France Nucléaire Fund | SIPAREX |
- Pénélope DIETSCH - Managing Director - European Infrastructure | ICG |
- Caroline KRAGERUD - Head of Investor Relations | CUBE INFRASTRUCTURE MANAGERS |
- Alex MURRAY - VP, Research Insights | PREQIN |
- Giuseppe SANGIOVANNI - Managing Partner Exergon | AUDACIA |
- Michel-André VOLLE - Global Head Investor Relations & Funding Solutions | MERIDIAM |
Moderator(s): |
- Alexis HOJABR - Partner | WHITE & CASE |
- René PIGOT - Partner | ACCURACY |
04:30 PM / 06:30 PM - Summit Room | Level -1 (Croisette)
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4:30 PM | Next Frontier Leverage
As rate rises put pressure on the financing of leveraged transactions, this session will consider the suitability of alternative debt products that provide additional leverage.
- Company level: How preferred equity works and when it is used by sponsors.
- Portfolio level: How portfolio financing is used to benefit companies.
- Exploration of the growth trends and drivers.
- How do lenders evaluate the suitability of a company?
- Investor attitudes.
5:15 PM | Facing the Stress-Test
This discussion will consider how investors should stress-test their private credit portfolios in the face of a rapidly changing climate.
- How are funds positioned as they enter the first real test?
- What is the impact of a decade of loosening covenants when the going gets tough?
- What corners of private credit offer the best resilience in the climate?
6 PM | Networking Drinks
6:30 PM | Summit Ends
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Speaker(s): |
- Tyrone COONEY - Partner | ARES MANAGEMENT |
- Cecile DAVIES - EVP & Portfolio Manager | PIMCO |
- Francesco DI VALMARANA - Partner, Secondaries | PANTHEON |
- Franklin HENROT - Partner | MBO & CO |
- FOKKE LUCAS - Partner | 17CAPITAL |
- Edouard NARBOUX - Managing Director | AETHER FINANCIAL SERVICES |
- Laurent WARLOP - Managing Director | INDIGO CAPITAL |
Moderator(s): |
- Maryna IRKLIYENKO - Editor | DEBTWIRE |
- Gabriella KINDERT - Independent Director & Board Member | DOT INVESTING |

Social Events
08:00 AM / 09:00 AM - Outside the venue
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An early gathering of LPs with the purpose of networking during breakfast, while surrounded by the natural beauty of Cannes.
12:00 PM / 02:15 PM - Outside the venue
Jean-Hervé LORENZI, President at Le Cercle des Économistes
Emmanuel PINTO MOREIRA, Director – Country Economics Department at African Development Bank Group
Jean-Pierre RAFFARIN, Chairman & Former French Prime Minister at Fondation Prospective et Innovation
Lionel ZINSOU, Managing Partner at Southbridge
12 PM | Opening Remarks: “Private Markets in Africa: in a Mission of Growth for the Continent”
€6.8 bn were raised in 2022 by private equity firms operating in Africa, setting up one of the most prosperous vintages in the continent, according to AVCA (African Venture Capital Association). This positive dynamic was witnessed in all asset classes, from VC to Infrastructure. This is good news, but much still needs to be done to fill the huge investment gap in Africa, and to manage the future challenges facing the continent, starting with the climate crisis.
12:45 PM | Business Lunch and Roundtable Discussions
2 PM | Closing Remarks
2:15 PM | End (Business Meetings at the Palais des Festivals)
12:30 PM / 02:00 PM - Coffee Lounge | Level 1 (Lérins)
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A friendly lunch between new managers where they will be able to get to know each other and network.
08:00 PM / 10:00 PM - Outside the venue
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The IPEM Official Dinner is an exclusive and distinguished event with a limited, but curated, list of guests. It is the perfect event for networking in an intimate environment.
10:00 PM / 02:00 AM - Morrison's Irish Pub
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An invitation-only event (open bar) from 10 PM to 12 AM. Open to all IPEM participants after 12 AM (cash bar).

09:00 AM / 09:30 AM - Conference Room | Level -1 (Croisette)
After a decade of stable LP distributions driven by low interest rates, LPs’ must now reposition themselves for a new reality. As performance metrics adjust, should they stand firm or adjust their approach?
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Speaker(s): |
- Bruno SOLLAZZO - Generali Group Head of PE Investments | GENERALI |
Moderator(s): |
- Alex MURRAY - VP, Research Insights | PREQIN |
09:30 AM / 10:00 AM - Conference Room | Level -1 (Croisette)
A panel of veteran LPs put the current economic crisis in historical context, calling on their experience to explain their outlook for the next twelve months.
- How does this compare with other crises?
- Are firms in the portfolio (and their GPs) better prepared for this downturn than previous?
- When will things improve?
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Speaker(s): |
- Piet-Hein DEN BLANKEN - Managing Director, Primary Fund Investments | ALPINVEST |
- Alessandro TAPPI - Chief Investment Officer | EIF - EUROPEAN INVESTMENT FUND |
- Reji VETTASSERI - Lead Portfolio Manager - Private Markets Funds and Mandates | DECALIA SA |
Moderator(s): |
10:00 AM / 10:30 AM - Conference Room | Level -1 (Croisette)
As bottom-up investors, PE can usually brush off too many concerns about macro matters. This time it could be different. The combination in a short period of time means little time to adapt.
- Which factors are most pressing?
- What characteristics does PE need to have to weather the storm?
- An end in sight?
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Speaker(s): |
- Anuj RANJAN - President, Private Equity | BROOKFIELD |
- Carl Johan RENSTRÖM - Partner | EQT PARTNERS |
- Harrie VAN RIJBROEK - Director Private Equity | PGGM |
Moderator(s): |
- Tim HAMES - Consultant | 17CAPITAL |
10:30 AM / 11:00 AM - Conference Room | Level -1 (Croisette)
LPs are bracing themselves for lower distributions in the next twelve months. Meanwhile, GPs may need to make more capital calls to cover their credit lines. All this places pressure on LP capital. Is this the price you pay for illiquidity?
- What trends are emerging around illiquidity?
- How will constrained LP capital affect fundraising conditions?
- Can we expect more secondary market activity?
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Speaker(s): |
- François AGUERRE - Partner, Co-Head of Investment | COLLER CAPITAL |
- Eric DERAM - Managing Partner | FLEXSTONE PARTNERS |
Moderator(s): |
- Madeleine FARMAN - Senior Reporter | PEI MEDIA |
11:00 AM / 11:45 AM - Conference Room | Level -1 (Croisette)
Some believe the next big source of capital will come from retail investors. This panel will outline the experience to date and the prospects for the future.
- How does a higher interest rate environment change the risk perception for PE as an investment opportunity?
- Which corners of the private markets industry are best suited for retail investors?
- Update on ELTIF and the regulatory landscape.
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Speaker(s): |
- Diana CELOTTO - Managing Director, Wealth Management Private Markets | UBS WEALTH MANAGEMENT |
- Olivier DAUMAN - Head of Private Equity | CFM INDOSUEZ WEALTH MANAGEMENT |
- Michael ELIO - Partner | STEPSTONE GROUP |
- West LOCKHART - Managing Director | BLACKROCK |
- Tom SLOCOCK - Managing Director & Head of International Product Development | ICAPITAL |
Moderator(s): |
- Montserrat FORMOSO - Editor & Senior Analyst | FUNDS PEOPLE |
11:45 AM / 12:15 PM - Conference Room | Level -1 (Croisette)
LPs manage risk in their PE programs all the time. But how does the current environment change their approach to co-investments, and are they ready to get hands-on with underperforming assets?
- What are the repercussions for GP-LP relationships if deals turn sour?
- What skills does a team need to manage exposure through direct programs?
- Is outsourcing always the answer?
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Speaker(s): |
- Carole BARNAY - Senior Managing Director, Co-Investment Funds | ARDIAN |
- Mateusz MILEWSKI - Head of Private Equity Department | PZU |
- David SMITH - Senior Managing Director, Co-investments | CAPITAL DYNAMICS |
- Kasper WICHMANN - Managing Editor | PE COMPASS |
Moderator(s): |
- Katherine KUCHERENKO - Senior Investment Specialist, Global Real Assets | APG ASSET MANAGEMENT |
02:00 PM / 02:30 PM - Conference Room | Level -1 (Croisette)
Looking ahead at the big picture, what opportunities can the industry embrace?
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02:30 PM / 03:00 PM - Conference Room | Level -1 (Croisette)
A larger, more active PE sector inevitably means scrutiny will follow from new stakeholders. This session will explore what a higher profile means for the industry and how to position themselves to capitalize on the opportunity.
- How do firms currently handle public affairs and stakeholder engagement?
- What expectations are there for things to change as the industry becomes more prominent?
- What lessons are to be learned?
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Speaker(s): |
- Alexis DUPONT - Managing Director | FRANCE INVEST |
- Matti LEPPÄLÄ - Secretary General/CEO | PENSIONSEUROPE |
Moderator(s): |
- Marc VAN VOORST TOT VOORST - Deputy Managing Director | NVP |
03:00 PM / 03:30 PM - Conference Room | Level -1 (Croisette)
It’s over a decade since the last economic crisis. Does anyone remember what it was like? This session will explore:
- What is the aptitude of “next-gen” employees to deliver during the current economic climate?
- How will the industry future-proof itself by attracting the right skills?
- How will the industry improve diversity in its workforce?
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Speaker(s): |
- Rupert BELL - Director of DACH | PER |
- Isabelle BOUJNAH CORTIAL - Senior Client Partner Private Equity | KORN FERRY |
- Sophie CHATEAU - Partner | LBO FRANCE |
Moderator(s): |
- Tim HAMES - Consultant | 17CAPITAL |
03:30 PM / 04:00 PM - Conference Room | Level -1 (Croisette)
Sources of private capital are abundant. Companies are staying private for longer. Life as a listed company is getting harder. What are the repercussions for economies, capital markets and broader stakeholders if this trend continues?
- Public vs. private – why economic power is shifting?
- Is governance in the private markets an optimal model?
- When will regulators catch up?
- What risks lie around the corner?
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Speaker(s): |
- Jonathan DEAN - Head of Impact Investing & Portfolio Manager | AXA IM ALTS |
Moderator(s): |
- Antoine COLSON - CEO and Managing Partner | IPEM |

09:00 AM / 11:00 AM - Summit Room | Level -1 (Croisette)
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9 AM | Trends Presentation
9:10 AM | Late-Stage VC
Has the tide turned? This session will consider the landscape for venture investing in Europe and where pockets of value lie.
- How has the dealmaking landscape changed?
- What are the opportunities from falling valuations?
- How are VCs helping to position portfolios to weather the storm?
9:50 AM | Software Buyout Market Outlook
As the market becomes more sophisticated and speicalised, this session wil examine the key trends of the past twelve months and disucss the outlook for the year ahead, including:
- Valuations and the new financing conditions.
- US tech PEs on the hunt for deals in Europe.
- Observations on add-on investing v platform deal strategies
10:30 AM | Networking Coffee
11 AM | Summit Ends
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Speaker(s): |
- Jean BOURCEREAU - President and Managing Partner | VENTECH |
- Étienne COSTES - Partner & Head of EY Telecom and Tech Market for Western Europe | EY-PARTHENON |
- Dylan COX - Head of Private Markets Research | PITCHBOOK |
- Sion EVANS - Senior Investment Manager | VENCAP |
- Pierre MARTINI - Managing Partner | ISAI GESTION |
- François ROBINET - Managing Partner | AXA VENTURE PARTNERS |
- Martina SANOW - Partner & Head of Private Capital | HG |
- Guillaume VITRICH - Partner | WHITE & CASE |
Moderator(s): |
- Dylan COX - Head of Private Markets Research | PITCHBOOK |
- Matthieu ROSSET - Managing Director | LINCOLN INTERNATIONAL |
11:30 AM / 01:30 PM - Summit Room | Level -1 (Croisette)
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11:30 AM | Overview of Market Trends
11:40 AM | GP-Led Market Updates
Continuation funds have grown substantially in recent years and are the subject of hot debate among investors. This session will consider their relative value, including how to handle potential conflicts of interest. Valuation issues versus standard exits. Is a single asset restructuring actually a co-investment with a fee?
12:20 PM | What is Driving a Resurgence of LP-Stakes
This session will look at the persistence of LP stakes within the secondary market. Referencing trends from 2022, the panelists will give their outlook on what lies in store, including:
- What are the expectations for 2023 activity?
- Which portfolios may be most likely to come to market?
- As the market has matured, what should LPs pay attention to?
1 PM | Lunch
1:30 PM | Summit Ends
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Speaker(s): |
- Markus BENZLER - Head of Multi-Manager Private Equity | UBS ASSET MANAGEMENT AG |
- Guillaume CAULIER - Principal | LEXINGTON PARTNERS |
- Yvan CHENE - Managing Director, Private Equity - Secondaries | CAPITAL DYNAMICS |
- Bernhard ENGELIEN - Managing Director, Head of European Secondary Capital Advisory | GREENHILL & CO. INTERNATIONAL LLP |
- Andrew R. HARRISON - Managing Director & Head of Europe, Primary Capital Advisory | GREENHILL & CO. INTERNATIONAL LLP |
- Cari LODGE - Managing Director | CF PRIVATE EQUITY - SECONDARIES |
- Ricardo MIRÓ-QUESADA - Partner, Head & CIO - Private Equity | ARCANO PARTNERS |
- Kim POCHON - Vice President & Co-Head of the Emerging Manager Program | UNIGESTION |
- Alistair WATSON - Head of Strategy Innovation - Private Equity | ABRDN PRIVATE EQUITY |
Moderator(s): |
- Bernhard ENGELIEN - Managing Director, Head of European Secondary Capital Advisory | GREENHILL & CO. INTERNATIONAL LLP |
- Andrew R. HARRISON - Managing Director & Head of Europe, Primary Capital Advisory | GREENHILL & CO. INTERNATIONAL LLP |
02:00 PM / 04:00 PM - Summit Room | Level -1 (Croisette)
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2 PM | Opening Remarks
The climate summit seeks to provide a forum for genuinely thought-provoking conversations between practitioners, based on participant-based content. The summit is hosted in the spirit of #IPEMGoingGreen, cutting the noise on climate and prompting PE decision-makers to take action.
2:10 PM | Part 1: What Companies Do to the Climate
Refresher of the Net Zero Paper, followed by 30-min. roundtable discussions and a 10-min. wrap-up.
3:05 PM | Part 2: What the Climate Does to Companies
Panel discussion followed by a Q&A storm with panelists and audience contributions. Ending with a wrap-up.
4 PM | Summit Ends
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Speaker(s): |
- Pierre ABADIE - Managing Director & Group Climate Director | TIKEHAU CAPITAL |
- Imène MAHARZI - Senior Advisor | INDEFI |
- Emmanuel PARMENTIER - Managing Partner | INDEFI |
- François-Xavier VUCEKOVIC - Chief Investment Officer | EDMOND DE ROTHSCHILD PRIVATE EQUITY |
Moderator(s): |
- Charlotte SALMON - Principal | INDEFI |

Social Events
12:30 PM / 02:00 PM - Outside the venue
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The purpose of this lunch is to bring together Families Offices in order to develop common topics, enrich your eco-system and exchange ideas on structuring, investment and development. This an invitation-only event exclusively reserved for Single Family Offices.
04:00 PM / 06:00 PM - Rotonde Terrace | Level 0 (Riviera)
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The Mediterranean Bash is the final moment for all attendees to get together and network. Taking place on the last day of the event, it will stay in people’s minds long after IPEM is over.