Evergreen Funds: Redefining Private Equity for Private Wealth
The private wealth revolution is surging ahead. Private market evergreen funds, or ‘semi-liquid’ funds, are the talk of the town, as wealth platforms increasing turn to private market groups to distribute their fund strategies to a wider cohort of mass affluent investors. The drawbridge to access private equity is finally lowering. It is no longer the preserve of Wall Street…now Main Street gets to enjoy the myriad advantages to investing in private assets. Assets under management are in excess of $320 billion across US- and EU- domiciled funds.
For a growing number of GPs, private wealth is a key tenet of their long-term business strategy with blue chip names such as KKR expecting evergreens to represent 50% of its fund offerings over the coming years. And while the universe of fund managers offering direct investment evergreens (investing directly in companies compared to investing indirectly through multi-GP fund products), remains modest, private banks expect it to rapidly expand.